10 Bahan penting dari Rencana Baik
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10 Bahan penting dari Rencana Baik

10 Essential Ingredients of a Good Plan

checklist ini kebijakan penting di sepuluh memberikan panduan yang bagus untuk mendapatkan rencana murah yang mencakup semua kebutuhan Anda.

Mendapatkan gratis asuransi kesehatan  kutipan

Penelitian mengutip, dan berlaku untuk
cakupan di eHealthInsurance. Anda dapat memilih apa yang cakupan Anda inginkan dan menetapkan batas Anda dan deductible, sebelum mendaftar untuk info tingkat yang lebih personal.

Jika Anda tidak menerima cukup kutipan untuk membuat perbandingan yang akurat, coba tambahkan kutipan dari Insurecom. Ini adalah layanan yang akan menyediakan Anda dengan bersaing kutipan dari agen lokal yang juga dapat menawarkan bantuan dengan batas cakupan pengaturan, memutuskan rencana, dll Klik di sini untuk mengisi salah satu bentuk cepat.

1. penilaian Baik

Hal ini terutama penting jika Anda membeli polis Anda dari sebuah perusahaan baru dan asing, tapi masih selalu bijaksana untuk memeriksa peringkat asuransi kesehatan penyedia untuk memastikan Anda berurusan dengan bisnis yang valid dan dapat dipercaya.

Ingat, sebelum perusahaan asuransi setuju untuk memasok orang dengan rencana asuransi kesehatan, mereka menyelidiki pelamar dan latar belakang latar belakang mereka. Anda harus menempatkan mereka untuk tes juga. Carilah perusahaan asuransi dan asuransi kesehatan peringkat melalui AM Best, Moody, atau Wiess lembaga pemeringkat. (EHealthInsurance melakukan ini untuk Anda, gratis, sebelum Anda mengajukan permohonan untuk penawaran gratis Anda.)

2. Lifetime Payout

Dalam hal terjadi bencana penyakit, kebijakan Anda perlu menyediakan jumlah yang cukup cakupan pelayanan kesehatan. Namun, untuk melindungi diri dari yang pernah harus membayar terlalu banyak, asuransi Anda membatasi pembayaran seumur hidup. Oleh karena itu, seumur hidup payout adalah jumlah maksimum penggantian perusahaan asuransi kesehatan memberikan selama hidup Anda.

$ 1.000.000 adalah sosok yang baik. Sesuatu yang kurang dan Anda menjalankan risiko prematur depleting seluruh kompensasi untuk biaya perawatan kesehatan yang tersedia untuk Anda, sementara bertujuan untuk batas yang lebih tinggi mungkin membuat menemukan rencana asuransi kesehatan yang murah terlalu sulit.

3. Terbesar dikurangkan dan co-pembayaran Anda mampu

Menetapkan dikurangkan dan tinggi co-pembayaran yang tinggi akan menurunkan pembayaran premi Anda secara signifikan. Meskipun out-of-saku biaya medis akan lebih tinggi, (dan tidak setuju dengan kebijakan yang menempatkan angka-angka ini out-of-jangkauan) aturan ini adalah kunci untuk mengantongi mereka rencana asuransi kesehatan yang murah yang di luar sana.

4. Wajar out-of-saku batas

Ketentuan Kebijakan ini membatasi Anda out-of-saku pembayaran per tahun. Hal ini terutama penting dalam hal penyakit yang serius, dan kami menyarankan Anda mempertimbangkan hanya kebijakan yang membawa satu. Namun, adalah bijaksana untuk mempertimbangkan bahwa pengaturan maksimal rendah akan meningkatkan jumlah yang Anda bayar premi. Cobalah untuk membangun wajar out-of-saku maksimum untuk menyeimbangkan risiko dengan biaya.

5. Waiver of penyediaan premium

Sebuah pengabaian ketentuan premium memungkinkan Anda untuk melewatkan pembayaran premi selama sakit panjang. Meskipun tidak benar-benar diperlukan, ketentuan yang bermanfaat harus penyakit mencegah Anda dari bekerja untuk jangka waktu. (Dan tidak sangat penting jika Anda cukup yakin bahwa Anda akan dapat melakukan pembayaran premi entah bagaimana, meskipun Anda tidak harus mengandalkan ini.)

6. penyediaan Terbarukan

Ketentuan terbarukan adalah suatu keharusan. Ini menjamin rencana asuransi kesehatan Anda tidak akan dibatalkan karena Anda menjadi sakit. Anda mungkin diminta untuk terus membayar premi Anda saat sakit (kecuali asuransi kesehatan meliputi pengabaian ketentuan premium juga), tetapi Anda tidak akan kehilangan cakupan Anda.

7. cakupan tepat waktu kondisi yang sudah ada

Sering asuransi memerlukan masa tunggu sebelum menutupi biaya perawatan kesehatan bagi masalah kesehatan yang sudah ada. Meskipun standar bagi mereka untuk menetapkan masa tunggu, itu tidak boleh lebih dari satu tahun. Setelah memilih melalui semua rencana asuransi kesehatan yang memenuhi kebutuhan Anda lainnya, memeriksa untuk melihat bahwa masa tunggu adalah antara tiga bulan dan satu tahun.

cakupan 8. Darurat

kebijakan Anda harus mencakup pelayanan medis darurat. Di masa lalu, beberapa rencana perawatan yang dikelola dikritik karena mereka diperlukan dokter perawatan primer untuk menyetujui perawatan kesehatan darurat. Taktik ini dapat menghemat uang, tetapi perawatan darurat tidak boleh membahayakan. Baca melalui rencana asuransi kesehatan Anda memberikan perhatian khusus pada definisi darurat dan memverifikasi dengan perusahaan asuransi kesehatan apa yang sebenarnya tertutup. Jika Anda memiliki akses ke peringkat asuransi kesehatan, perhatikan faktor ini.

9. Beberapa prasyarat

Prasyarat persyaratan anda harus memenuhi sebelum menerima perhatian medis. rencana asuransi kesehatan dengan terlalu banyak prasyarat yang terlalu membatasi. Sebuah kebijakan dengan beberapa prasyarat baik-baik saja - itu bagaimana perusahaan bertahan (dan bagaimana Anda mendapatkan biaya rendah polis asuransi kesehatan), tapi perawatan kesehatan yang baik tidak boleh dikorbankan. Memutuskan apa yang terlalu banyak sedikit subjektif, tetapi jika tampaknya Anda bahwa kebijakan tersebut mengharuskan Anda untuk melompat melalui terlalu banyak rintangan, daripada Anda mungkin ingin mencari di tempat lain (atau hanya pada kebijakan yang sedikit berbeda dari perusahaan asuransi yang sama).

10. Gunakan sumber daya online untuk menemukan yang terbaik rencana asuransi kesehatan

Aturan favorit kami! Internet adalah sumber besar untuk peringkat asuransi kesehatan, pusat belajar, dan perbandingan, tapi itu adalah tempat yang bagus untuk berbelanja juga. Anda tidak akan merasa tertekan untuk membeli "keras menjual" kebijakan, dan Anda dapat mengambil waktu Anda dan benar-benar berbelanja perbandingan untuk yang terbaik biaya rendah polis asuransi kesehatan.

Kami memiliki dua mitra besar yang akan membantu Anda lebih lanjut:

eHealthInsurance memungkinkan Anda membandingkan semua berhasil dan biaya-untuk-rencana side-by-side, dan bahkan memberi Anda peringkat keuangan depan. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang banyak penyedia asuransi kesehatan mereka mewakili atau mendapatkan kutipan online instan dengan perbandingan sekarang.

Atau, jika Anda lebih memilih pendekatan yang lebih personal, kunjungi Insurecom, sebuah layanan yang akan menghubungkan Anda dengan beberapa agen yang bersaing untuk menyediakan Anda dengan premi terendah dan layanan terbaik.
Glossary of Car Insurance
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Glossary of Car Insurance

Glossary of Car Insurance
Car Insurance

Appointed Representative - means the solicitor or other appropriately qualified or experienced person or persons appointed to act for the Insured Person.

Cerificate of Car Insurance / Certificate of Motor Insurance

Claim – means a civil claim for damages for Uninsured Losses arising out of an Insured Event.

Insured – means the person, firm or company who is entitled to participate in the Uninsured Loss recovery service offered by the Coverholders and has paid the premium or whose Participating Agent or car insurance broker has agreed to pay the premium on their behalf.

Insured Event – means an accident arising from the negligence of a Third Party, which results in the Insured Person incurring Legal Costs and Expenses in bringing a Claim relating to:
• Loss of or damage to the Insured Vehicle;
• Damage to any personal property owned by the Insured Person or for which the Insured Person is legally responsible while such property is in or on the Insured Vehicle;
• Death or personal injury to the Injured Person whilst in, on, mounting or dismounting from the Insured Vehicle.

Any such accident must occur within the Period of Insurance and within the Territorial Limits of this Policy.

Insured Person – means You and any person authorised to drive the Insured Vehicle under Your Car Insurance Policy or any authorised passenger at the Coverholders discretion in or on the Insured Vehicle who are claiming under this Policy with Your consent, or Your or their legal representative in the event of death.

Glossary of Car Insurance

Insured Vehicle – means any car, motor car, motorcycle and/or sidecar, commercial vehicle or trailer attached to those vehicles owned or leased by You and specified in Your underlying Car Insurance Policy.

Legal Costs and Expenses – in relation to an Insured Event means any legal fees, costs and disbursements reasonably and properly incurred in relation to a Claim and any consequent Legal Proceedings:
1. By the Appointed Representative, including fees of Counsel instructed by him when acting on behalf of the Insured Person in bringing a Claim, and in any event is limited to the standard rate.
2. By any other party to the Claim which the Insured Person is liable to pay as a result of an order or award of the court or other tribunal or a negotiated settlement provided that such settlement is made with the agreement of the relevant Underwriters, and in any event is limited to the standard rate.

Legal Proceedings – means all work necessary regarding a Claim with the approval of the Underwriters, subject to the jurisdiction of courts within the Territorial Limits.

Limit of Indemnity – means a maximum limit for all Legal Costs and Expenses of the Insured Person and including opponent’s costs, where awarded, arising out of any one Insured Event.

Car Insurance Policy – means the policy of insurance issued to You in compliance with the Road Traffic Act valid at the time of the Insured Event.

Participating Agent – means the company who are authorised to sell the Policy to the Policyholder on behalf of the company and the Underwriters.

Period of Insurance – means from the start date to the termination date of this Policy, as advised, and any subsequent period for which you have paid the full premium due.

Policy – means the policy of car insurance.

Policyholder – means the person, firm or company who has taken out the Policy and has paid the premium.

Territorial limits – usually means Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Third Party – means the other person(s) and/or party(s) responsible for the car accident, excluding the Insured Person (as defined in the Policy).

Uninsured Loss – means any loss, including injury, compensation or consequential loss sustained by the Insured Person from an Insured Event not covered by the Insured Person’s underlying Car Insurance Policy.

Glossary of Car Insurance
Car Insurance

Appointed Representative - means the solicitor or other appropriately qualified or experienced person or persons appointed to act for the Insured Person.

Cerificate of Car Insurance / Certificate of Motor Insurance

Claim – means a civil claim for damages for Uninsured Losses arising out of an Insured Event.

Insured – means the person, firm or company who is entitled to participate in the Uninsured Loss recovery service offered by the Coverholders and has paid the premium or whose Participating Agent or car insurance broker has agreed to pay the premium on their behalf.

Insured Event – means an accident arising from the negligence of a Third Party, which results in the Insured Person incurring Legal Costs and Expenses in bringing a Claim relating to:
• Loss of or damage to the Insured Vehicle;
• Damage to any personal property owned by the Insured Person or for which the Insured Person is legally responsible while such property is in or on the Insured Vehicle;
• Death or personal injury to the Injured Person whilst in, on, mounting or dismounting from the Insured Vehicle.

Any such accident must occur within the Period of Insurance and within the Territorial Limits of this Policy.

Insured Person – means You and any person authorised to drive the Insured Vehicle under Your Car Insurance Policy or any authorised passenger at the Coverholders discretion in or on the Insured Vehicle who are claiming under this Policy with Your consent, or Your or their legal representative in the event of death.

Glossary of Car Insurance

Insured Vehicle – means any car, motor car, motorcycle and/or sidecar, commercial vehicle or trailer attached to those vehicles owned or leased by You and specified in Your underlying Car Insurance Policy.

Legal Costs and Expenses – in relation to an Insured Event means any legal fees, costs and disbursements reasonably and properly incurred in relation to a Claim and any consequent Legal Proceedings:
1. By the Appointed Representative, including fees of Counsel instructed by him when acting on behalf of the Insured Person in bringing a Claim, and in any event is limited to the standard rate.
2. By any other party to the Claim which the Insured Person is liable to pay as a result of an order or award of the court or other tribunal or a negotiated settlement provided that such settlement is made with the agreement of the relevant Underwriters, and in any event is limited to the standard rate.

Legal Proceedings – means all work necessary regarding a Claim with the approval of the Underwriters, subject to the jurisdiction of courts within the Territorial Limits.

Limit of Indemnity – means a maximum limit for all Legal Costs and Expenses of the Insured Person and including opponent’s costs, where awarded, arising out of any one Insured Event.

Car Insurance Policy – means the policy of insurance issued to You in compliance with the Road Traffic Act valid at the time of the Insured Event.

Participating Agent – means the company who are authorised to sell the Policy to the Policyholder on behalf of the company and the Underwriters.

Period of Insurance – means from the start date to the termination date of this Policy, as advised, and any subsequent period for which you have paid the full premium due.

Policy – means the policy of car insurance.

Policyholder – means the person, firm or company who has taken out the Policy and has paid the premium.

Territorial limits – usually means Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Third Party – means the other person(s) and/or party(s) responsible for the car accident, excluding the Insured Person (as defined in the Policy).

Uninsured Loss – means any loss, including injury, compensation or consequential loss sustained by the Insured Person from an Insured Event not covered by the Insured Person’s underlying Car Insurance Policy.
What should I do if my car is stolen?
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What should I do if my car is stolen?

What should I do if my car is stolen?
What should I do if my car is stolen?

Tell the police immediately and then tell your insurer.

Be prepared to wait a while in case your car is recovered. A great many cars taken without the owner's consent are soon found abandoned and can be returned to the owner.

If property is stolen from your car tell the police immediately and then tell your insurer.

Most comprehensive policies protect you against loss of or damage to personal belongings which are in your car. Policies set a limit on the value of such property claims. Check your own policy for details.
How to Beat the Car Thief

The financial loss of a stolen car is bad enough and although insurance will compensate for this, nothing can help with the shock and inconvenience.Walk around any car park. You'll see cars with windows open, ignition keys in the lock, sunroofs open, valuable property and clothing on display on the rear seat.
Be sensible. Follow the checklist below every time you leave your car.
Take Care of Your Property
Remember - if you are careless when leaving your car then your claim for theft may not be paid at all. Your Insurance policy requires you to take care of your property at all times.
Have all the windows etched with the registration number of your car. This deters car thieves.
Many insurers allow a special premium discount if your car has a professionally-fitted alarm/immobiliser system. The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre (Thatcham) checks vehicle security devices to see how they perform, as do other bodies. Ask your insurer what systems they approve or require. They may also require the system to be fitted by a member of the Vehicle Systems Installation Board. Your insurer can advise you about this.

Check List:
Where to leave your car - At night, park in a well-lit place. Thieves like working in shadows. In a ticket-exit car park, take the ticket with you

Remove Car Ownership Information - Don't leave your certificate of insurance and registration document in the car but carry them with you

Hide Property – If you have to leave valuable property in your car, leave it in a locked boot. In a hatchback the rear shelf should be in position. In an estate car cover up property with a sheet or blanket

Remove the Ignition Key - Don't leave the key in the ignition - not even for just a few seconds - to go into your home or a shop or while you are paying for petrolClose All Windows - Don't forget the sunroof

Use an Anti-Theft Device - Thieves are opportunists. When they see even a basic level of protection, thieves will often move on to another car

Always Lock Doors and Boot - Even when the car is in your own drive or garage, lock it and take the keys with you

Children and Animals - Never leave young children or animals alone in a parked car. Young children who are old enough can be persuaded by thieves to open the doors. With windows or sunroof open you run the risk of theft. With windows closed there is a grave danger of suffocation.

What should I do if my car is stolen?
What should I do if my car is stolen?

Tell the police immediately and then tell your insurer.

Be prepared to wait a while in case your car is recovered. A great many cars taken without the owner's consent are soon found abandoned and can be returned to the owner.

If property is stolen from your car tell the police immediately and then tell your insurer.

Most comprehensive policies protect you against loss of or damage to personal belongings which are in your car. Policies set a limit on the value of such property claims. Check your own policy for details.
How to Beat the Car Thief

The financial loss of a stolen car is bad enough and although insurance will compensate for this, nothing can help with the shock and inconvenience.Walk around any car park. You'll see cars with windows open, ignition keys in the lock, sunroofs open, valuable property and clothing on display on the rear seat.
Be sensible. Follow the checklist below every time you leave your car.
Take Care of Your Property
Remember - if you are careless when leaving your car then your claim for theft may not be paid at all. Your Insurance policy requires you to take care of your property at all times.
Have all the windows etched with the registration number of your car. This deters car thieves.
Many insurers allow a special premium discount if your car has a professionally-fitted alarm/immobiliser system. The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre (Thatcham) checks vehicle security devices to see how they perform, as do other bodies. Ask your insurer what systems they approve or require. They may also require the system to be fitted by a member of the Vehicle Systems Installation Board. Your insurer can advise you about this.

Check List:
Where to leave your car - At night, park in a well-lit place. Thieves like working in shadows. In a ticket-exit car park, take the ticket with you

Remove Car Ownership Information - Don't leave your certificate of insurance and registration document in the car but carry them with you

Hide Property – If you have to leave valuable property in your car, leave it in a locked boot. In a hatchback the rear shelf should be in position. In an estate car cover up property with a sheet or blanket

Remove the Ignition Key - Don't leave the key in the ignition - not even for just a few seconds - to go into your home or a shop or while you are paying for petrolClose All Windows - Don't forget the sunroof

Use an Anti-Theft Device - Thieves are opportunists. When they see even a basic level of protection, thieves will often move on to another car

Always Lock Doors and Boot - Even when the car is in your own drive or garage, lock it and take the keys with you

Children and Animals - Never leave young children or animals alone in a parked car. Young children who are old enough can be persuaded by thieves to open the doors. With windows or sunroof open you run the risk of theft. With windows closed there is a grave danger of suffocation.